Keeper's house Kleny is located on the railroad line 032. This line is about 52 km long and leads from the lowlands near Jaromer to the hilly to mountainous terrain to the station Trutnov. The house is in a very poor condition and is located between the stations Starkoc and Ceská Skalice.
Rozměry: 90x128x126 mm

Guardhouse Kleny

35.96 € incl. VAT
Scale H0
Art. Nr. 141002
EAN 8594170441913

Keeper's house Kleny is located on the railroad line 032. This line is about 52 km long and leads from the lowlands near Jaromer to the hilly to mountainous terrain to the station Trutnov. The house is in a very poor condition and is located between the stations Starkoc and Ceská Skalice.
Rozměry: 90x128x126 mm